28 day programme for peri & menopausal women
Starts Sunday 29 October 2023
Are you experiencing peri / menopausal symptoms or perhaps you’re unsure?
Are you seeing changes in your body shape and feeling different in your mood?
The peri and menopausal stages of life can be a turbulent journey and can last for years so having the support to help us navigate through the changes can be lifechanging. There’s a huge amount of information in the media and some amazing people raising awareness amongst women, their families and in the workplace. With the right information and support being available we can ensure we’re giving ourselves a head start to a future proof body and mind and continue to live a happy and healthy life. We can embrace this part of our lives ladies with the right support and information
So where do I fit into all of this?
Lifestyle factors will have a huge impact on our journey and how we manage the symptoms as our Oestrogen, Progesterone & Testosterone hormones decline. If we can help support our bodies manage these symptoms through helping balance the other hormones (of which there are many) our bodies produce i.e stress, sleep, hunger, stress hormones, then we are giving ourselves a strong foundation if an when symptoms arise. As your coach I’d like to help you make some simple changes to your nutrition, fitness & wellness to ensure you’re giving yourself the tools to help reduce your symptoms & find a healthy balance.
How will the MenoFit programme run?
My next programme is a shorter 10 day programme (a mini menofit). If there’s one symptom many of us experience it’s overwhelm. With already busy lives committing to something over a long period of time can be really overwhelming. The Mini MenoFit programme will arm you with some basic tools to get you started on your journey. Whether you’re there, not there or been there, nutrition is a big part of the puzzle when it comes to managing symptoms. I’ll be supporting you daily through a private facebook group and giving you the basic information and tools you need to tackle the symptoms that are changing how you feel both inside out.
Every women has her own list of symptoms during the menopause, but one thing we all have in common and that can help us manage the symptoms are:
- How we eat, when we eat and what we eat to create Happy Hormones
- How we move, type of movement and how frequently we move for a future proof mind and body
- Self care including how we manage our sleep and stress levels
What will the programme include?
- Daily support & motivation (including a group chat about symptoms)
- Live & pre-recorded chats
- Live Menofit workouts
- Nutrition tips and advice to help manage symptoms
- Healthy meal ideas and shopping lists
- Useful links to menopausal resources
- Group Support
Cost: £28
Payment via Bacs to:
Total Body Co UK Ltd Lloyds TSB Account No 02907919 Sort Code 30-91-72